If you have been doing submissions
to places like Digg, Netscape,
ShoutWire and the like, you know
how time consuming it can be. If
you aren't, you're leaving a lot
of targeted traffic and links on
the floor!
Web2Submitter: Syndicate Your Content In Seconds!
The same guys who wrote Authority
Black Book, downloaded over 20,000
times since it came online less
than 2 months ago, have come up
with a tool that drastically
reduces the amount of time it
takes to do Web 2.0 promotion.
I highly recommend you check it
out. This thing is saving me lots
of time to do other link building
and marketing I was skimping on
And you won't believe what they
are including with this software –
THAT you have to see to believe.
It's amazing!
You can see a demo here